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DIY : Cascarones

Writer's picture: Joe Reider, Austin RealtorJoe Reider, Austin Realtor

DIY Cascarones From Home Style Austin

Party On

Never underestimate the power of creativity!

This DIY project is for how to make your very own “cascarones,” or confetti eggs. Cascarones are eggs that are emptied, filled with colorful confetti (or small objects) then commonly cracked on an unsuspecting person’s head in celebration of many things both big and small. Learn more on wiki here.

My family typically made our cascarones by hand-dying the eggs usually around the Easter holiday. This year, let’s look at this no-dye version.

Let’s get crackin’


  • This DIY recipe is for making cascarones with tissue paper and glue. You can also color-dye your eggs with many of the kits found in local Austin stores.

  • The more eggs you make, the more fun you can have! You can make/save the egg shells in advance so you’re not hoarding 12 or more eggs all at once – your choice.

  • You can buy your confetti or make your own from shredded papers. The best deal on confetti we found was $1/bag at HEB (shown below). For about 75 cents more, you can buy a dozen eggs already pre-made by the fine folks at HEB, but your inner artist may be left unfulfilled.

  • Cascarones make great handmade gifts!

The Materials For Making Your Own Cascarones By Home Style Austin

12 (or more)  |  Eggs (brown or white) 1  |  Glue Stick 1 Bag  |  Confetti (or other special surprises – see below) A Few Sheets  | Your Favorite Tissue Paper A Few  |  Rambunctious Kids, Or Kids At Heart

What To Do:

1. Prepare the eggs. Carefully crack the large end of the egg with a spoon or tool of your choice. Crack the hole about 1″ in diameter (big enough to get objects inside the egg) and be sure to avoid getting pieces of shell in the egg. Don’t throw the whites and yolk out! Empty the egg into a container – you can use the yolks and whites to make omelets or our popular Egg In A Cup recipe. Rinse the inside of the egg under running tap water and turn the egg with the hole facing down to drain; set the egg upside down on a paper towel to further drain and dry. Continue until you’re all done with the number of egg shells that you want to make (we suggest at least a dozen). 

2. Decorate your eggs. Using your glue stick, apply glue all around the outside of the egg. Your hands may get sticky, so you can do this in phases. Apply torn sheets of tissue paper to the eggs and lightly press the tissue to the egg – layering will create interesting patterns. See the pic above as a guide.

Cascarones Confetti By Home Style Austin

3. Fill the eggs with goodies. It’s most common to use confetti to fill the eggs but you can let your inner creative go wild by filling the cascarones with small toys, your very own homemade fortunes, wedding rings or objets d’art. You don’t need to cram the egg full of goodies, but it’s best to fill them about ¾ full.

4. Wrap it up. Line the outer edge of the egg’s hole with more glue and apply a final piece of tissue to keep the surprises inside.

5. Have an “EGGcellent” adventure! At your next party or “just because,” sneak-up on your unsuspecting “victim.” Crack the egg in your hand then let the inside goodies cascade all over them – or smash the egg directly on their head, if the egg’s loot is safe and soft.

Aren’t surprises great? ~ Joe Paul Reider

Home Style Austin Founder Austin Realtor® Keller Williams Realty, Inc.

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